Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I utilize
Capability Competence Model
To become
Frontline Manager in Education
With core competencies !
And create
" World Knowledge Platform "
To build
Capacity among students
To make them
' More energetic.'
Thereby CREATE
New Knowledge Products
Their Learning Potentialities
To March Ahead
Towards Safe, Peaceful, Prosperous
Universe of Ours
To make it and thereby Ourselves
Only to serve our 'MOTHER EARTH'
TO make her Strong, Beautiful and Blissful
AS she has been through Ages
To support
Ever shining and Ever smiling SUN
The Protective 'LIVING GOD'
For UNIVERSE WE live in !
S. G. Agnihotri .INDIA .
26-06 2007
Transferred on computer on 19-06 -2008.
In an attempt
Art of Thinking
Analyze and Understand
Problems of higher education
I Point out
Basic tenets
Good Educational System
Chalk out
An Action Plan
To Promote new talent
To pursue
A program for their
Higher Education
In a vibrant Democracy
To fulfill their Self - interests
Along with
that of society
For Individual and National Progress
and Prosperity.
A real need of hour !
A Teacher Educator,INDIA.
A New meaning of "CHANGE"
C- Core competence
H-Higher learning
A- Adaptability
N- Networking
G- Globalization
i.e. Having core competence for higher learning and adaptability to accept life as it is and increase our potentialities by networking globally to achieve excellence
in every act and achieve self -satisfaction a real happiness
one always seeks for through Education.
Redefined on 27-06-2008 .15-30 P.M.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

With modest grasp of language of Physics
I apply it to understand Physics of language
Identify picoparticles/waves/quantas
(or perhaps still smaller entitys)
that constitute language
Invisible to normal eye
Inaduiable to normal ear
Insensible to normal nose,tongue,skin
And even out of grasp of mind,intellect,ego
at level we normally react ,think and experience!
Being so small,they can easily move across
the boundaries of time.
Can take us to remote past and also to future
of the Mankind!
Can tell us story of life till date.
Can also predict future of the universe!
All we need to know is how they interact
with eachother and to understand
Laws that govern these interactions
to bring them to normal mode
we are all aquainted with in the form of
scripts we are actually using!
This may perhaps lead us to fulfill our quest
for universal language which could be
understood by all
to eliminate so called communication gap
and thereby create and/or restore
The inbuilt harmony in Nature
A need of hour
To maintain environmental equillibrium
which can make us experience
Inner peace and happiness
To make
our eternal search meaningful!
An attempt to understand Physics of language
A thought experiment/experience.
by- S.G.Agnihotri.
( A Teacher student of Physics)
With deserved Learners as recepients
I inact as facillitator
for new learning experiences
which will enhance the capacity
of autolearners
To make them self -sufficient
at all stages of life
they are heading towords .........
In this new era influenced by
Science and Technology
which would allow them
to be self -dependant , self responcible netizens serving for family and nation they belong to.
लिखता हूं मातृरूणसे मुक्त होने के लिए
हवा सुगंधित करने के लिए
जिससे प्रफ़ुल्लित हो जाता है
कुछ इस तरह की
हर पेड खिल उठता है फ़ुलों से,फ़लों से
पृथ्वी हो जाती है समृध्द
तथा सारी जरूरी चीजों से
संपन्न हो जाता है सारा मानव समाज
भौतिक सुविधाओं से परिपूर्ण
उन्नत जीवन जीने के लिए
होने लगते है सारे सपने साकार
संजीवक ,संप्रेरक एक सुखानुभव के रुपमें
सपनें महापुरुषोंके,युगपुरुषोंके
जिनकी छांव मे
हम सब पले बढें है
संपन्न आध्यात्मिकता कि धरोहर बनकर!
हम सदा ही रहें है अग्रसर
युगोंयुगोंके आंधियारे को मिटाते हूए
सूरज की तरह आसमान में .....
उसीके मुक्त प्रकाशमें घुमते है
सारे ग्रह-उपग्रह अपनी ऊर्जा को
धरती को सौंपते हुए
जो सदीयों से बांटती रही है प्यार
हर इन्सान को माता बनकर!